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Reaching Her First

78% of women do not know about the life-empowering support available to them in an unplanned pregnancy. We are changing that.

Through our platform Luli Health, we are able to reach women who are struggling in an unexpected pregnancy and get them connected to resources through our 24/7 nurse chat.

One recent conversation came through from a young woman in Florida who found herself unexpectedly pregnant and was desperate for help. Our nurse chatted with her over the course of three hours, helping her think through what she really wanted. By the end of the conversation, this young lady had an ultrasound appointment booked the following day with her local pro-life pregnancy resource center.

This is what we are doing here at Luli Health. We are making sure that no woman faces an unplanned pregnancy alone. But in reality, it is not us doing this, but you. Through your generosity, we are able to reach women first before they go down the dark path of abortion.

Thank you for enabling us to do this. We are excited for the great number of conversations our nurses will have this year and the lives that will be saved.

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