We have a BIG vision for TRANSFORMATION!
Our vision is to see abortion abolished across the US and the world by igniting the Body of Christ to rise up in unity to fulfill God’s call to protect the lives of the unborn.
Our Mission
We are passionate about taking action!
We work to equip, encourage, unify and mobilize the Body of Christ to take greater action in protecting the unborn in their own communities and across the world.

Our Heart and Plan to Transform
Who we are:
We recognize that the Body of Christ at large is uneducated, ununified, and inactive in protecting the lives of the unborn. We believe that God has called His followers to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves (Proverbs 31:8-9) and reach out to those who are without defense (Proverbs 24:11).
We are a team of passionate, young, students studying at Charis Bible College, Colorado, who have a heart and vision to see the lives of unborn babies preserved across America and the World. We seek to change the culture of the US and the world so that it values, empowers, and protects life at every stage. We will accomplish this through our online platform which connects churches with other churches and pro-life organizations for the purpose of support, encouragement, and inspiration.
Our heart is to live in a world where the Church is a true light for life in the midst of a culture of death. We want to awake and fire up the dormant potential of the Body of Christ. We seek to come alongside and serve pastors in their role of being leaders of parts of God’s body. We provide both connections with supportive organizations and resources for pastors and churches to educate themselves further on this issue and understand how they can create change.
We are transforming churches into places where the sanctity of life is taught and defended, as well as empowering churches to make a real difference in their communities. We believe that abortion is the taking of an innocent life created by God and purposed for greatness. We seek to make abortion non-existent and protect what is close to God’s heart.
We have a three-fold strategy to make abortion non-existent and transform our culture into one that values and protects life:
1. Educate the Body of Christ about the value of life and our God-given responsibility to protect and defends it.
2. Activate the Body of Christ to create real change for life in their own communities and across the world.
3. Transform culture as we positively change individual beliefs and actions and grow the pro-life community.
We believe that as we stand up and fight, we will win! We are not here to just take action for the sake of taking action. We are here to bring God’s Kingdom to earth, and protect His children, whom he has created and purposed for life.
This year of 2023 we are planning several strategic, powerful conferences at churches across Colorado, where believers will be encouraged, educated, and empowered to make a BIG difference in their communities!
Check back soon for more information on these conferences!