Our very own Grace Youngson appeared on Truth and Liberty with Duane Sheriff last Wednesday! This was an incredible opportunity to share our vision and draw people in to take part in reaching women and supporting them. Grace represented LIFE with passion and grace, pun intended. This message of life and comfort is so important, and we are so grateful to God and Duane Sheriff for giving us another platform to reach out to those that need our help.
Grace had a chance to explain the important void that LIFE fills; specifically that we act as a bridge between women in crisis pregnancies and the pro-life pregnancy centers that can offer them the help they need to choose life. There are so many valuable resources out there for women that want to give their baby a chance, but they feel lost and alone. The pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations simply do not get the marketing that they need so women know where to look for them. With Pastor Duane’s help, we were able to put ourselves out there and tell the women to come to us, and we will connect them to the resources they need. Many of these women would choose life, if only they heard someone say, “I’m on your side. I will help you.”.
Grace was able to take questions and share stories, like Staci’s Story, to encourage viewers to get involved, or seek help when they need it.
At one point Grace said, “Choosing life, I’m not just encouraging you in that because I care about the baby; I really care about you too. This is going to be a decision that you will not regret. No woman says, ‘I regret having my baby’, but there are so many women who regret having an abortion.”
This was a powerful moment that cut right to the core of what we are doing here at LIFE. Yes, we are here to preserve the life of the baby, but just as important is the life of the woman. Grace was able to communicate the core of our mission here at LIFE, to promote the value of life for everyone, whether they are an unborn child or an expecting mother that doesn’t know where to turn for help.
We are being blessed with amazing platforms with which to speak out and draw people in. With the help of awesome programs like Truth and Liberty, and with support from our partners, volunteers, and strong voices like Duane Sheriff, we will reach further into the world and find more women in need, so we can hold their hand and gently guide and comfort them.