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Krystal’s* Story

Krystal grew up in the midst of drugs, addiction, abuse, and suicides among her close relatives. She found herself lost in this experiencing abuse, drug misuse, and suicidal tendencies. Looking for a solution to her pain she turned to relationships, but experienced more trauma as a result of these. In September of 2023, she wanted to turn her life around and came out to Charis Bible College seeking God and desiring to follow His plan for her life. However, she ended up getting caught up in an abusive relationship involving drugs, and to her shock became pregnant despite being on birth control and taking more than one dose of Plan B.

Krystal did not have a good relationship with her mom and did not even want to be alive herself and questioned how on earth she could bring a baby into a world full of pain and even be a good mother. She looked to abortion as her solution. However, a friend of hers recommended she go to Choices Pregnancy Center in Woodland Park for an ultrasound. Somewhat reluctant, she went and when she saw her baby on that screen, everything changed. She knew that this baby was alive for a reason and she made the brave decision to choose life.

This choice, however, was not the end, but merely the beginning. Despite making the decision for life, Krystal wrestled daily with thoughts of inadequacy and fear over the future. That is when Grace met her. After being introduced to Krystal and learning about her story, Grace was determined to do whatever it took to make sure she was supported. Grace got Krystal connected with her local Embrace Grace group, where she found community among other mothers navigating similar circumstances as her. Upon her first visit to the group, Krystal went in depressed and fearful, but came out a completely different person transformed by hope and love. And not only did she receive spiritually, she was also given clothing and food – an answer to prayer.

Grace was also able to have many conversations with Krystal where she was able to be a listening ear and also share encouragement. Grace also cooked Krystal meals and helped drive her to her doctor’s appointments. In March of 2024, Krystal made the decision to go back home to Canada to better prepare for her baby’s arrival. Because of our partners, we were still able to support Krystal in Canada and assisted her with rent for one month as well as blessing her with a bed for her now ‘coming soon’ little girl.

In late September of 2024, Krystal’s beautiful baby was born, perfectly healthy. We continue to stay in touch with her and support her how we can. Krystal feels truly blessed to be a mom and is doing an incredible job. She sends us weekly updates of her little girl, featuring lots of smiles and giggles.

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*Krystal is a pen name used to protect her identity.

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